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BIONAID™ technical mumbo jumbo
willie634 Views: 19,528
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BIONAID™ technical mumbo jumbo

BIONAID really looks like some amazing stuff, I highly doubt being able to recreate something like this at home.

This is a little summary of the research on BIONAID™

Bion+ BIONAID™ AgH20

The new BIONAID™ product combines decades old covalent silver production technology and the newest geometric laser technology developed by Dan Nelson

All studies and tests verify Bion Plus's efficacy. BIONAID™ is the world's only Uniform Picoscalar Concentrated Oligodynamic Silver Hydrosol™ (UPCOSH™)

Everyone should understand that it is the bonding to the enormous amounts of oxygen that makes this product a natural immunization and immune support for the body that is unmatched by other products that focus on silver or that add oxygen to their solution without our advanced reactor system.

The Bion Reactor Strips Hydrogen Atoms which contain 1 Proton and 1 Electron from the Oxygen Atom making a positively charged Oxygen Ion +2 (it wants two electrons) Simultaneously Supercharged Negative Silver Ions (which have 47 electrons) and millions of electrons are created by the reactor (­1M to 2M). Up to a million or so Oxygen Atoms immediately bond to each Silver Ion by grabbing two of the millions of electrons from the Silver Ion and sharing them with the Silver Ion as well as with other oxygen molecules already attached to the Silver Ion. The result is a clear liquid silver solution with an indefinate shelf-life that retains it effectiveness irregardless of sunlight or temperature. Bionaid contains several trace minerals, but the one focused on here is the covalent silver. BIONAID™ is under 3 ppm because is doesn't need to be higher to be the most effective silver solution.

As multitudes of positively charged oxygen ions bond to the negatively charged silver ion the charge of the overall molecule becomes positive due to the ratio of positively charged protons in the nucleus of the oxygen atoms being greater than the number of electrons being shared amongst the other oxygen molecules and silver ion. The molecule therefore at any chance will continue to attract negatively charged electrons found in hostile organisms. Hostile, gram-negative Bacteria, Viruses, Molds etc. have one electron (-1) in their molecular makeup. They are therefore attracted to the Bion molecule and die once they contact the Bion molecule because the Bion molecule steals the electron from it changing its polarity and killing it in the process. As electrons are collected full oxygen atoms are released from the Bion molecule and the positive charge of the molecule is maintained. These molecules are permanently suspended in water and are not toxic to the body. Unlike a standard silver ion, which is missing one electron and will try to collect one electron before it is inert and no longer affective in killing bacteria or other harmful organisms, the Bion molecule can continue to attract millions of infectious organisms and continue to kill them. BIONAID™ could be used in research to treat malaria-infested ponds or other water supplies that are undrinkable and turn them into safe sources of water for millions who are currently drinking infected waters.

A simplified analogy (for legal reasons we must present this specifically as theoretical only) regarding the superior effectiveness of BIONAID™ over average Colloidal Silver is as follows: A petri dish with a million infectious bacteria is the test subject. If a molecule of the average Colloidal Silver comes in contact with 15 of the infectious bacteria they will die, but normally no more than 15 because the average Colloidal Silver particle has exhausted its electron potentials for eliminating infectious micro-organisms. A drop of BIONAID™, when placed in an identical petri dish with the same amount of infectious bateria comes into contact with the all the infectious bacteria it will kill all the infectious bacteria and sterilize the petri dish. One of the key attributes of the BIONAID™ particle is its covalent bond with multitudes of oxygen atoms and their electrons that extend the frequency of silver exponentially in addition to the atoms of the silver. Added to this is the particle size and the surface area contact potential. Bioactivity is rated as the amount of the positive charge held by a particle (molecule) which is the result of the presence of a greater number of protons than electrons in that molecule. The "best" form of an average colloidal silver molecule has 15 more protons than electrons giving it a plus 15 rating, i.e, it can destroy fifteen bacteria/viruses etc., before loosing its bioactive properties.

This is another reason BIONAID™ is superior - its high bioactivity levels are unmatched by other silver dietary supplements and their manufacturers. Manufacturers of average colloidal silver may tell you that these scientific facts are meaningless because they do not possess the advanced technology used to create UPCOSH™.

UPCOSH™ on bacteria extends beyond its known lethal oxidation of the pathogen. It also involves an "intermolecular electron transfer," resulting in an electrocution of the pathogen; a binding and chelating to essential pathogen receptor sites, which defeats the pathogen's mechanisms of invasion into host cells; and an ion non-dependent heightened catalytic action and cleavage, which fragments essential pathogen/proteinaceous structures. The size of the UPCOSH™ particle in colloidal dispersion creates a cumulative surface area. The antimicrobial actions of biocatalysts like UPCOSH™ are directly proportional to the adsorption power upon a pathogen. There was a geometric progression related to the surface area of UPCOSH™ particles by assuming a starting point of one cubic centimeter of silver. When silver is incrementally reduced into smaller and smaller cubes, the net silver particles produced will eventually approach 9 square mile surface areas. UPCOSH™ generates an adsorption power many magnitudes of order greater than any previous silver hydrosol product.

Covalent Silver (BA-273/CMV3) treatment of Normal PHA Stimulated Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Infected with HIV_1 JRCFS. Acquired Human Immune-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease which targets and depletes the body's T helper cells. It is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV_1). Viral load, as measured in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) cultures, have been shown to correlate with early infection progression and loss of CD4 cells. Similarly suppression of viral replication by an antiretroviral agent in Vitro is a clear indication that such an agent could be a potential candidate for treatment of HIV_1 infection.

In this experiment, PHA stimulated PBLs infected with HIV_1 JRCSF were treated with BA-273 agent. Supernatants were harvested on day 4 and day 7 tested for P24, to evaluate the inhibitory effect of BA-273 agent on the virus. Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from a normal donor were stimulated in a PHA containing medium for 72 hours. Cells were washed in RPMI 1640 serum free, re-suspended in a growth medium (RPMI+20% PBS and 10 units/ml IL_2). Cells were counted.

30 million cells were inoculated with HIV_1 JRCSF, at a dose of 10ng P24 virus/ 10 million cells. Add 15ul polybrene. Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius, for two hours.

Wash 2* in serum-free RPMI Re-suspend in growth medium at a density of one million cells/ml. Distribute in a 24-well plate: 1 ml cell suspension per well. Add BA-273 agent at different concentrations in triplicate wells. Use the first three wells as controls.

On day 4, culture was microscopically observed, the cells all looked healthy. There appeared to be no negative reaction due to the addition of BA-273 at any concentration: 10ul, 20ul, 40ul, 80ul, 160ul, or 200ul. Cells in control wells looked no different from those in treated well, indicating a positive dose response. BA- 273 has not affected the conditions of the cells. On day 7, cells were microscopically examined again and similar observations were made as on day 4. (covalent silver had successfully destroyed 30 million infected cultures, most of which were HIV).

All materials used in the Covalent Silver (Basic Bionaid under the branding name of the product owned by Elder). This is not the more advanced Bion Plus Bionaid that has been tested by quantum biochemist Ralph Anderson who has stated that the advanced Bionaid proved to be significantly more effective) have been clinically tested for safety and efficacy. National Drug Authority in Uganda have performed lab tests and reviewing documentations about silver water science, for the purpose of determining the effectiveness of these product ingredients on individual treatment performance, namely relief effort, strength and faster recovery improvements.

In the tests performed over 99% of the users experienced health improvements in strength and/or faster recovery healing process within minutes or hours of using the donated product.

In addition, most individuals who used Covalent Silver who suffered from some type of infectious illness or discomfort found relief with a period of 2 minutes to 30 minutes.

Please note that references are to ions, not metallic atoms or Covalent Silver particles (BIONAID™ has both), crystals or salts. While body electrolytes can release a few ions of silver from metallic silver (see Silverlon band aid below) it is far from the benefits of the direct oral intake of trillions of silver ions establishing an effective dose in the blood. At 5PPM there are over 100 trillion ions/tablespoon, the number of cells in a human body. BIONAID™ is just under 3ppm Covalent Silver Hydrosol and 3ppm Ionic Silver Hydrosol. The extremely small covalent particle will not show up in standard ppm tests, so ionic particles must be included for us to make claims that silver is in the product. The test for revealing the covalent particle content is extremely expensive.

Digestion and absorption begins in the mouth.
Metallic ions, either free or disassociated from dissolved soluble salts are both absorbed sub lingually and/or isolated by ligands in the saliva, usually metalloproteins. (The main reason you are meant to chew your food well). Metallothionein (MT) is a relatively small molecule that binds heavy metals including silver, cadmium, iron, copper and zinc, and is made by most cells in our body.

Your saliva has over 200 different proteins and fully one third of body proteins are metalloproteins I.E. carrying metallic ions. Thus, reactive ions (missing one or more electrons) can be transported past the stomach and thru the circulatory system without local reactions. Metal ion substitution permits even a zinc metalloprotein to take up the silver ion and release the zinc ion. The free, ionized zinc, which would be toxic if permitted to accumulate, binds to a metal regulatory element on the promoter region of the metallothionein gene and "turns on" the synthesis of more metallothionein.

Ion channel formation "Transmembrane ion transport, a critical process in providing energy for cell functions, is carried out by pore-forming macromolecules capable of discriminating among very similar ions and responding to changes in membrane potential. It is widely regarded that ion channels are exclusively proteins, relatively late arrivals in cell evolution."

Silver exporting ATPase Hydrolases: Act on acid anhydrides, Catalysing transmembrane movement of substances.

The ion pump mechanism utilizes energy from ATP to force ions thru a cell membrane, verses the passive diffusion, in which case the protein (in the cell membrane) that allows this transport is called an ion channel.

Pretty intense.....



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