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ala questions
cougar Views: 1,888
Published: 15 y

ala questions

Newbie questions here:

so my understanding is that I am using ala continuously to get started......per dosage that I dowse...every 3 hours
no breaks?
does anyone get dehydrated when they use ala? after a 3 day round I seemed to loose water weight and also tighten up a lot (which I always assumed was the DMSA, because i am so mineral defficient)

I started chelating with ala and dmsa in 2003 per cutler
I can't remember how many 3 day rounds I did but it was well over 50. Things didn't really change much but I still know I have mercury, confirmed by my muscle testing doc, so I am happy to be here because what I am reading may explain why I got limited results at best.

Ok, first time doing some dowsing for this forum:

I got that mercury is primary for me
but there is also copper, lead and aluminum
I also got that i am not silver toxic per say but the amount of silver I used last year (drinking and IV's) shifted something with my kidneys that can be healed and something with parasites in me......does this make any sense? I wasn't sure what questions to ask more around this or if it even matter....

will my dowsing be better/more accurate when I am actually running the doctrine?



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