Re: 14 Day Update
It does make me feel better to know that there is some internal detox going onin my body, even though,it was not occuring in the best fasting conditions ...And, I can see overall health improvement , so I am just doing the best I can in my situation...
Yes absolutely. Only recently have i been able to fast resting in this way and i received a lot of benefits over the years by working and otherwise being active through my fasts including a lot of brisk walking (until i recently became convinced that the long duration brisk walking was slowing the detox).
If I remember correctly, you are in for a long run..did you mention completion?
Completion is always my hope, though it's not the easiest of goals. In my past two fasts i entered them open-ended and decided somewhere along the way in each of them that if i reached 30 days before completion i would likely stop there. In the first fast completion was reached at 29 days and 16 hours and i fought my way to 30 which was possibly the most immensely difficult things i have ever done... and in the 2nd 30 days was reached without completion. In this fast i am thinking similarly... hoping for completion, but likely to stop at 30 days if completion is not reached. Even still it is open ended as i won't stop in the middle of a healing crisis and also if i am feeling great i might wish to continue further.
How is your heart? I know you will make it brand new after this fast ...
I'm not sure how my heart is but it feels comfortable and i do believe it is improving little by little as it did in my previous fast. I really messed it up and it very much seems to be an immense job for my fasting body to heal. Heart rate has remained quite consistent throughout the fast... about 66 upon awakening and later in the day it is about 60, both being "laying down" rates. My blood pressure which was never impacted by my injury has averaged about 90/73 each morning. I don't know how much difference this would make, but this is taken sitting.
wish you 100 % success, Vidda
Thank you again Vidda, i appreciate all you do to encourage me and others :).