Re: healing crisis...ugh...filtered water maybe?
i am so glad for you that you feel better now. How brave to detox from meds. your last fast.
You have interesting thoughts re. distilled water. I feel like I had better go get some right away. But I can't -- I am so sick.
I have just started feeling seriously ill from detox. Very tired/weak, can't get up, hot skin. I took an enema, the tiniest one, hardly tried to get anything out, and I feel a bit better and washed up and took a bath and changed my pajamas and am back in bed trying not to panic that I have so much more of this isolation and lying down paralyzed ahead of me.
So , again, it really helped to read your post and know someone feels like I do. I have been to NM; I drove across the country and spent 1 night in Albuquerque intending to go to Santa Fe but not having time: next time.
Write and post any time. I know it helps me, especially when I get a response. Keep up the great work. it is hard. I know I myself in fasting am trying to change lifelong violent overeating habits and I am so raw. (and how can I keep it up after the fast? It seems such a gentle therapy and to depend for maintenance on one's own mercy toward oneself which seems so undependable, if you know what I mean. But at least I am actually doing the fasting. This is my first longer fast. I am freaked out often about it. But sometimes I get really excited about this new era in my life which is opening up, in which I will be able to fast and really heal)
I want to fast to completion. Have you ever done this?
Congratulations again on your fast and I hope you remain feeling better (while still healing, of course :))