Re: Something in the way of feeling good?
jajajaja. (the new sign of universal laughter) "...Hooked on this blog". I know the feeling: it's good to be involved with people who are starting to wake up from the standard food/constant digestion stupor that passes for reality. Best to forget about normal life, and just move forward into your next, new and improved life! What are you dreaming of? Yes, EFT really works.
Try it on anything. Or look up the Gary Craig type videos--it's inspiritng stuff--naturally, it would be good combined with a good healthy lifestyle. The founder of the emofree system retired awhile ago-He used to have a great site at, where you could download a free manual, etc. Actually, I never tried it much because the manual made it seem more complex than it is. I've taight myself through vidoes and whatver else I've researched.
Dolmas are on the menu for next week. Grape leaves are SO good. My problem with this lifestyle is I start to feel so good, I need to 'bring myself down' just a little, occasionally, in order to stay tethered to the ground.