Just to be clear, your referencing to the 18 day program where she starts you off with 1 capsule then ends with 7 correct? This is my first deworm, but I am not sure if I have a parasite problem or a candida issue or both. My tongue is coated white and I have bad breath/odor and mucus in the back of my throat that never comes out, used to have diarrhea all the time but somehow changed to floating stools that break apart almost right away with bubbles coming up. I never gain any weight and have gas/bloating all the time. My ass itches at night mostly. I also have excessive dandruff and sometimes these scaly things come on my scalp then leave after a few weeks. Does this sound like a parasite problem to you guys? I am going to the doctor in a few days but after reading up a bit I'm sure he won't be much help. Also, will this program still work without the zapper?