since my last posting i had several tests done..due to symptoms getting alot worse. The adrenal gland test came out that I was surviving on pure adrenaline and thus crashing by mid day--most likely due some sort of chronic inflamation. I decided i should get my bloodwork done again..with more tests being run. I came out with many vitamin deficiencies but also positive for LYME! I had looked into it early on but dismissed it because i did not think i had been bitten by a tick anytime recently. I had no idea that it can lie dormant for many years. My symptoms all seem to indicate that I am in the middle stages of lyme thus it has been in my body for a while but dormant for periods of time. I decided not to remove the Mirena until i had the blood results. I made this decision based on several reports that once I removed Mirena i might start very heavy periods right away..and I could not deal with this along with the other symptoms. I start Antibiotics for Lyme today. It all makes sense.. My symptoms semd to come and go thus i thought they were more hormonal than based on a bacteria..but soon found out that this is very common with Lyme.
Thanks all for your support. I will keep you posted if anything else that may be related to Mirena comes up.