Here you go again stating what you want the facts to be opposed to what the facts are. With absolutely nothing supported in reality. You try to compare purest colloids and utopia as equals and they’re not. Purest colloids have a FDA registered site. They proudly display ALL their products in clear glass bottles. You can see the quality of their products. Funny it seems being the industry leader they don’t even acknowledge your so called brown bottle industry standard myth. Hmm maybe nobody told them about that. They are hiding nothing as they do not have to. Their Au is a very pretty pink and at a glance you can tell it is 20ppm (that is if you know anything first hand about the process) not so for utopia. By your purple-pink description of utopias first says no it is not in the particle range claimed. Second their so called state of the art equipment has serious agglomeration problems. So now you try to claim utopia is not trying to hide their weak inferior product? Like it always was in a brown bottle? Like no prominent researcher in the field of colloidal development pointed out what a ripoff their weak product is prompting them to use brown bottles? Anyhow I find your wealth of ignorance to grow tired. I might as well be talking to stump as you are just a poser. They answer that you had removed in regards credentials still applies. So Polly want a cracker?