Re: Severe Acne After Taking Milk Thistle?
Hi Iceman1981, you can do both together. Before having a colonic, discuss your leaky gut with the therapist and be sure you feel comfortable with her before proceeding.
colonic can achieve successful results without using too much pressure, as can carefully administered home cleansing enemas. The important thing is not to force too much water into the colon under excessive pressure.
A colon hydrotherapy session consists of an alternating series of inflow and release cycles. During inflow the therapist can control the pressure of the water and at first introduce a small amount into your colon. A gauge on the machine shows the pressure your colon is experiencing and as you begin to feel full the therapist can see it.
That, along with your feedback, allows the system to be switched to the release cycle and water and waste matter to flow out through the observation tube to the plumbing system. Normally the therapist will gently massage your abdominal area along the outline of the colon to assist in breaking up pockets of impacted waste to enhance the effectiveness of your release.
Then the cycle is repeated, this time with a little bit more water, but never to the point where you experience excessive fullness or discomfort.
If you take enemas at home, do them while lying down and don't hang the bag more than 18
inches above your hips. This will insure that there is not too much pressure. If you experience excessively uncomfortable fullness, stop the flow and wait a few minutes before proceeding. If it's still too uncomfortable, end this session and expel on the toilet. If you feel up to it afterwards you can refill the bag and try again, or let it wait until another day.
You can find additional information about colon hydrotherapy and home enemas on my web page at
Best wishes for your natural health, it appears you are doing all the right things!