Other than the occasional pimple that pops up. My Acne is gone!
There are a bunch of recipes on youtube of people making them which are great.
My Favorite is Kimchi: google the ingredients/youtube
Coconut Kefir Sodas made from coconut powder/grains are great but they can be a little expensive. Body Ecology's founder, Donna Gates LOVES fermented Young Coconut Kefir and touts its benefits. Actually speaking of which check out her site: http://www.bodyecology.com
great resource for the most strict/ but most healing diet I've ever come across and I've read them all lol
PS the ferm veggies are VERY different tasting at first than anything you have ever had because the microflora eat up all the sugars so they are almost vinegary. TIP: add some granny smith apple to help keep the taste a little sweeter. The granny smith is the most sour of apples and therefore the little Sugar it has the microflora gobble up so it won't aggregate Candida which is 90% of the reason you have acne.