Another puzzling update...
I still take a good pinch of okra, daily, but my stool has turned firm and quite dry.
I feel this is a sign of various types of toxins leaving, as I finish a round of Humaworm, because I feel very calm and in control...though I am not, completely...yet.
I am convinced that incontinence is caused by parasite me, at least.
There is another thing going on, as well. The body gets used to doing the best it can in your particular situation. I believe, for example, that sleep is very necessary...hours in a row.
If the body gets used to a routine of getting more hours in a row, the routine may contine indefinitely.
The only way I can prove this is to remove the mercury amalgams from my mouth, and then to establish a new pattern of nighttime behavior. If I can do this I'm pretty sure I'll have proven the cause of my troubles.
It's either parasites or mercury, I think.
Of course, no one looks in your mouth, anymore...although dentists seem to have changed to 'white' fillings.
I wonder why.