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Hey 46043, don't give up!!!

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Surfer27 Views: 1,599
Published: 15 y
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Hey 46043, don't give up!!!

Hey 46043,
Surfer27 here. I read your text and I completely understand your frustration, embarrassment and humilation amonst other things. I have had a Body Odor , that smells like feces for 4 yrs now and am still looking for help!! I am trying to remain positive, but it's so difficult!!! What, if you don't mind me sharing, was the Body Odor you were suffering with? Was it a musty Body Odor , a mildewy body odor, what exactly? Also, where did it stem from? What part of your body? Have you looked into the possibility of TMAU? Also, have you looked into a product, called: Odor Free through the website? I don't know if this would help your situation, but you can't give up!! I know it's frustrating, I've been there to, with people's comments to you, whispering behind your back and all the laughs and jokes about it too. I know what it's like, I've been there, just like you!! And I know of the frustration of trying everything on the market to combat your body odor, when nothing seems to help!! I understand all of that. I have been suffering with a body odor, that smells consistantly throughout the day, so yeah it's painful, but I do my best to try and make it through the day, even when I don't feel like I want to live anymore!! I read your part about the whole leaving Christianity behind thing. All I can say is, for me as Christian, dealing with something this complex can and does really rattle and test your faith and it does make your question God sometimes, like where He is, through all of your pain and suffering!! But there are times for me, where I look back and say, okay God, where are those times, where you have been there for me? and I am able to thank Him, for helping me physically, with giving me the added strength to make it through the day, whether it be by, having to go outside to walk to the mall, or having to go get groceries by myself, or whatever. The point I am trying to make is: just when we feel like we've given up on God, God hasn't given up on us and he never will, if we are His children, because He's loves us and hasn't forsaken us!! I can atest to this, because of where God has helped me on several occasions. I know you mostly likely feel depressed, frustrated and confused, but, don't walk away from your Christian faith, just because of your physical problem. Christ never did. He faced it head on!! But on the flip side to saying this, if you have renounced your Christianity, know that God is there and He is ready to take you back!! All you have to do, is ask Him to come back into your life again. Say, " Father, I have walked away from you for sometime and in this point of my life right now, I realize that things in my life are missing. I realize that, what's missing is you, because I have turned my back away from you. Father, I just come back to you now. I ask that, you would live inside me again and be my personal Lord and Savior. I ask for your forgiveness and I realize I am a sinner and that I need you. I accept you into my life, to be the Boss of my life, my personal Lord and Saviour. Thankyou for allowing me, to come back to you".
I think something as simple as saying this makes God realize you want to come back and He'll accept you back if you want Him!! But I also want to know that, if you choose to not accept Christ, back into your life, that if you lead a life of disobedience and don't make amends for asking Christ to come back in, that there is a very good 100% chance that, He will most likely say when you die, depart from me, for I never knew you! I just want, to give you these two flip sides to the coin, based on your life decisions right now. There are consequences to everything in your life, even to a Christian's if they make poor decisions and it will affect them and also you. I just wanted to tell you that. Not because I am judging you, but out of love for you, as I don't want to see you go down that wrong path, as I have been there myself, when I was walking away. I am concerned for you, that is all!!! If you get this, please respond back. I'd love to hear back from you. Take care of yourself and God bless. Bye for now.

Ryan A.


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