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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 15 y
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whats happening!

I'd say that the tenderness and wind problem came about in the second week After bowel and parasite cleanse when i had returned to my usual healthier but heavier diet?

Thats why i thought the increasing wind and tenderness and bloating was not connected to the bowel programme itself.

Instead a possible symptom to a food allergy or inflammed irritable gut that the turmeric which is taken in high doses during the programme and an aniflammatory had been masking all the while. Without the turmeric i thought perhaps something else was being revealed..

Sure In the parasite and bowel programmes although you could take up to 6 laxative capsules, felt one was enough..and The programme for psyllium and the Bentonite is still it couldn't have been the pysllium for certain. I don't now how long the ongoing effects of the casara can last in the body..

I thought i was within the bounds of the text book recommended dose (1cm chunk/day)although i was not only drinking the water but enjoying the nubs of it at the bottom of the cup!? It's been a daily tea thats extended before the programme for a couple of months now.

Thanks for the link..all info helps..only discovered yesterday that a side effect of over dosing ginger causes the same symptoms tenderness, gas heart burn..!!

I will say that i feel more like my new self muscle aching in legs and joints much less,again less sleepy no longer tired after eating, tenderness gone and gas no where near or gerd as before...feel as though i've gotten over one hurdle..



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