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Re: Went to the infectious disease doctor today...
dvjorge Views: 4,089
Published: 15 y
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Re: Went to the infectious disease doctor today...

I won't get tired of helping you. Candida IGM, IGG,and IGA in blood isn't Candida Immunecomplexes in blood. They are two different tests. Even, if IGG, IGM, and IGA can help, the immunecpomplexes is a better test. The best test available so far to detect THE YEAST SYNDROME or intestinal candidiasis is the immunecomplexes. The immune complexes are a bond between antibodies and antigens in blood. Your DR is right, at least this time, you don't have systemic candidiasis, when candida get the bloodstream, if this happen with a severe leaky gut, it will be killed by white blood cells immediately. If you are immunesupresed and candida growth in your blood, it will infect a major organ soon so you will be close to death. Candidemia!!!! Fungemia!!! Don't use the term systemic to speak with your Dr, that make him/her think you don't know what are you talking about. Yes, the antifungal drugs are a must if they can culture yeast from your sinuses. Sometimes a drug combination is a lot of better than a single drug. The ideal way is to combine a fungistatic with a fungicidal but both systemics. This is something hard to do because most oral systemic drugs are only fungistatic.


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