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Went to the infectious disease doctor today...
kakiebaby Views: 4,186
Published: 15 y

Went to the infectious disease doctor today...

he asked me if I was taking probiotics, yah yah been there done that, now where is the cure!

anyways well I got him to order me awhole bunch of tests, I got him to order me that one dvjorge was talking about the IgA, IgG, Igm combination. THe doctor does not think anything will show up for me on this, he says its not in my blood, he says there are two kinds of candida the kind that will infect the membranes throughout your body and the invasive kind that is in your blood and that kind will kill you, he said if I had that kind I would be in the hospitol with a fever and almost dying. (I don't know if this is true or not), but regardless I made him give me the test. awhole bunch of other blood tests (don't know what they were, but when I get the results I will post with what they were and the results), another stool test, curious to see if this one will show yeast, since my last one on a mircoscopic level did not, even though I am worse than ever.I ate carbs today and will tomorrow too before I take the test. and I took home cups for a spitum (sp) test even though I have nothing to cough up or any flem so how should I get it?? I guess I will take a ton of musinex and then keep hawking and try to get something.

anyways I prob came off neurotic and pushy because I was bossing him around, but I'm feed up with doctors, I told him I want the spit test cultured for 4 weeks, so he wrote that down for the lab.

Now I have an ENT appt tomorrow morning, thank you god!!! and I'm going to have my ct scan tomorrow later in the day to see if my sinuses are full. He thinks mine was started by allergys then the bacteria or whatever is trapped up in my forehead sinuses causing an infection. so tomorrow I will get my bossy pants back on and demand the ENT looks up my nose with that camera thing (that hurts like hell), takes samples up there to culture, and I want my eustacian tubes swabbed and tested also cause I know for a damn fact I have candida up in them. I'm going to have it all cultured.
Here is my plan of attack: if its a bacteria I will have my natural doctor mix me up something, if that isn't systemic enough then I will have to go on a damn Antibiotic (if it doesn't kill me , not even kidding) then after that I will jump onto prescription antifungals long term (how I'm going to get them I do not know, but I will find a way). If fungus is found I'm getting on the antifungals also. If no bacteria is found and no yeast, I know its candida messing with me and guess I will get on the antifungals too. so I guess no matter how I look at this I'm most likely getting on the prescriptions if I can find someone to give them to me!
ANy other things the ENT should do tomorrow for me?? how far can they see into the sinuses like I look at a picture of them and it doesn't seem like you can see up into the frontal sinuses or the maxillary ones????? if you know please post. Cause my pain is mostly in my frontal ones above the eye brows so how could they possibly get a sample from there???


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