Re: The other side of the coin: Caloric restriction is not THE key
Absolutely Tony,
calorie-restricted diets are often perceived to be diets that are "restrictive" in terms of "quantity", and therefore looked upon as a diet of "deprivation", when nothing could be further from the truth.
A low-calorie diet can be plentiful by eating to satiety, and even more so if the diet is properly combined; this is exactly what happens when a plant-based diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, wholegrains, and pulses are eaten in proper combination.
Another significant point is that unless the body is satisfied nutritionally, it will demand more food via hunger/appetite if it is not, so you can fill up till your hearts content on SAD, but the body will feel hungry again shortly thereafter, leading to overeating and obesity.
After a water-only fast, and where the body has been cleansed of its toxic load, the body demands less food as a consequence, because digestion and assimilation have been so improved that less nutrient-dense food is required to satisfy the body's needs.
This is how I get by and am entirely satisfied on mostly one meal per day, and neither gain nor lose weight.
If calorie-counting is an issue for many, I am oblivious to the need for such a futile exercise, as this regimen/protocol belongs to the affluent Weight-Watchers Clubs who are very fond of extracting money from your wallet.
Take care.