Re: Just a Thought
I wrote this for the Celiac Disease Forum and it might help you understand what's going on. So if you dont have the intestinal problems skip down to the page to
Body Odor . I used Dr.
Hulda Clark 's '
The Cure For All Diseases ' for the cleanses but much of her writing is at the Dr. Clark Information Center online. The information about Mercaptans and our secondary detox system came from an old biochemistry book.
bad smelling feces - the food in the gut is putrifying because you can't digest/adsorb the animal protein eaten. Not only are you producing skatoles which is normal but are producing mercaptols and hydrogen sulfide gas. Most gas we pass doesn't come out in poops but seeps out over time - so the odor stays with you. Also you may have a slight fecal incontinence so you may not only be leaking gas but are leaking feces. The cure is getting your digestive system working better so that your proteins won't putrify in your gut. Eating less meats and other foods with animal fats and protein may help. Also taking lots of fiber (oat bran, flax seed meal) mixed with meals will help to normalize your bile pool and keep the food moving through more rapidly. Putrification is a different process than fermentation. Food in our gut ferments when we can't digest and adsorb the carbohydrates we eat.
Body Odor - Mercaptans are secreted by the sweat (apocrine) glands all over your body but are concentrated in the arm pits and feet. We have a secondary detox system in addition to the liver which uses sulfur containing amino acids to clear out toxins from the body. The end products are mercaptans which we sweat out. To me this smells more like cat spray which contains a mercaptan similar to the skatoles in feces. This smell is a sign that your liver is unable to detox the pollutants in your body so you need to find ways to pry the pollutants out and help you regain liver detox function. Certain sulfur containing foods such as alliums (garlic, onions), asparagus and others will make you smell more but are beneficial because they help the detox process.
Body Odor and foot odor are made worse by bacteria which also produce mercaptans so washing and special soaps may help. I can tell when I have toxins building up and this happens especially when I have eaten commercially prepared food. If I eat garlic the next day I notice the bad smell in my armpits.
I used to do sweat baths to get toxins out of my body. I would run a bath as hot as I could stand it and turn on the heater. While the bath was running I would exercise and work up a sweat then sit in the bath and sweat more, then get out and exercise more while adding more hot water to the tub, then repeat until I got tired. I also took various supplements like thiotic (lipoic) acid, milk thistle, Clark's liver support tea to mention a few. I ate food I prepared myself and avoided connercially prepared foods although there were a few I could eat without stinking. I cleaned up my enviroment - a lot of commercial products went out the door and started Clark's
parasite program, kidney cleanses and
Liver Flushes . Most of my filings in my teeth were replaced by non metal.
This has worked quite well as I only notice a bad body odor occasionally. I have Celiac sprue so any time I eat too much meat or animal protein the food putrifies in my gut.