Hey JustAboutHadIt, what have you tried for FBO issues?
Hey JustAboutHadIt:
Surfer27 here. I just read your text and I can relate to everything you are saying about your fecal
Body Odor , except for the whole seeing a chinese doctor thing. So, you did go and see a chinese herbalist then eh? If I can ask, what did your chinese herbalist put you on and what did you tell him or her exactly? Second when you went to your chinese herbalist, did anything he or she suggest to you, help in even the slightest of ways? Thirdly, have you ever tried antifungals for your problem and if you did, did it help lessen your
Body Odor ? Fourth, have you ever been tested for Candida Albicans, Heavy Metal Poisioning, Anal Fistulas, Hemorrhoids or any abnormal skin conditions? Lastly, can you give me a brief list, of what you've tried so I can compare it to what I've tried myself. If you do that, then maybe we can help one another out. Okay, I have got to go, but I'll talk to you later. Take care and God bless. Bye for now.