Re: New member seeking help please
Hi Hveragerthi,
Thank you sooo much for taking the time to respond with all this useful information. I really appreciate it.
Re the ibuprofen: Thanks a lot. I knew it wasn't good but had no idea it was this dangerous. I didn't take it when the doctor recommended it and don't use it at all so phew!.. relief. : )
Re my thyroid function: The specialist here in the UK requested this prior to my appointment and my basal body temperature was usually around 95.5 for the week that I took it. Since taking the
Lugol's it's just over 96 so I'm getting there! It has been established that I have a thyroid problem possibly triggered by my obsession with kale green smoothies for quite a few months before the throat/tongue swelling etc. began. And yes, you're right..I do have adrenal issues which the specialist also confirmed.
I will definitely have a look at the links and continue to work on my adrenals as you suggest. I'm not taking the glandulars so it's just as well based on what you've said about the glands shutting down.. makes so much sense.
Re the colon cleanser: Yes, I will be careful. I never take anything like that for more than a few days. Prior to this problem I used to do
Liver Cleanses periodically but now I react to the
Epsom Salts and can't .. hence my trying this colon cleanser.
Okay, well.. thanks again for all your help.
All the best