Re: Tsetsi Liver flush
I`ve done Tsetsi`s lime/egg `mini-flush` off and on for years and noticed several benefits:
1. Soothes irritation in the liver, especially when doing many
Liver Flushes fairly close together - every 3 weeks or so.
2. Seems to improve blood circulation to facial skin.
3. Hair grows in more thickly. This takes months to notice.
4. Nails become stronger. Hangnails stop forming.
5. Lip skin becomes smoother. Lines disappear and the skin doesn`t seem to be as dry. No need for lip cream.
6. More energy.
7. Reduced white coating on the tongue. This takes a few weeks to notice.
8. Improved mood. You feel less cranky if you feel more relaxed and mild physical irritations subside. I relate this to improved liver health.
9. Brain fog seems to lift after awhile. This takes a few weeks.
10. Metabolic garbage seems to be eliminated by bm about an hour after drinking this mixture. The immediate result is the intestinal tract feels better every time.
I`m not sure if it assists the immune system, as I`ve been doing
Liver Flushes for years and my immune system has already recovered greatly do to this and other efforts to improve my general health. I suspect this `mini-flush` does assist the immune system, as the white coating on the tongue decreases, suggesting that there is less bacterial garbage to divert the immune system from more important tasks, such as fighting off contagious diseases.
What this `mini-flush` has not done for me:
1. No stones.
2. No visible
parasites eliminated.
I attribute the benefits to the high concentration of a wide range of B vitamins, the good-quality fresh cholesterol (which replaces the recirculated cholesterol already present in the body) and the high lecithin content of the egg yolks. The limes - I use lemons, limes are very expensive where I live - act to make the liver contract, while the egg yolks seem to assist in the contraction while supplying high quality nutrients along with living enzymes.
The choice of oil is also significant.
OO (Olive-Oil) is a good choice, but I prefer flax oil for it`s optimal omega balance. I imagine some people would prefer hemp oil. I can`t use this oil, as it would create a positive on a drug test even though I don`t consume `recreational drugs` and I don`t want to take the chance. I live in Japan.
I`ve read that others have had stones and other unpleasant substances flushed out of their systems with this drink, but I haven`t experienced this.
I often use this drink as a early morning appetizer (I`m always hungry an hour later, so it`s not enough for breakfast) for 5 days in a row, followed by 2 days off. I don`t take it every week, but I do take it more often in the winter, when my liver seems to need additional support.
Because of the results I`ve experienced, I think of Tsetsi`s `mini-flush` as more of a gentle liver flusher that removes liquid garbage but not solids. I think of it as high-quality nutritional support which especially aids the liver. When the liver is functioning well, many other aches and pains disappear, and your general health is enhanced.
Every person will experience unique results because every person has a unique metabolism, diet, environment, genetics, and health history. Your results will be specific to you.
All the best!