I don't remember reading this aluminum post before, and it's important information for all of us to be aware of (thanks for pointing it out to me especially for the MS friend NP)
I discovered (dowsing) that the MS friend is deficient in key minerals, especially magnesium, calcium, and potassium.
Mag malate chelates aluminum.
I was just thinking yesterday that I really need to get that book (Minerals for the Genetic code)
- Found in deodorant, cookware, baked goods
- American Cheese melts easily due to added aluminum
food coloring , most faux food products and most candies
- Aluminum (+3) seeks out Phosphorus (-3) in the brain (in rats AL to brain in 4m)
- It hinders Boron, uses up silicone and cancels out Yttrium
- Most tab water has added aluminum to combat turbidity
- One coated aspirin contains 49.5mg of AL
- Vaccines contain Aluminum
NOTE: Since yttrium is wiped out ONLY AL based bacteria colonize the gut and we have malabsorption…
Source: Minerals for the Genetic Code