14 y
yes, actually I'd be so happy if this forum was more about sharing, specifically what people feel with various parasites
I am struggling with a lot of stuff and have no idea how would a variety of
parasites manifest in human body (no where you can read this)
so it's really difficult very often
I am running doctrine, majority of the time with the pineal frq., but there are times when I just need to try different stuff because i just need to stop the craziness and the great suffering and torture that comes with it.
the majority of my monsters are litereally inside of me - everywhere around the body
people in this forum do not believe that this could happen but it did in my case (actually this was confirmed by the parasitologist doctor I've seen on a videoclip-she said that for example
Ascaris would migrate from the intestines when the body is under extreme stress, such as having fever or also when consuming anti-parasitic medications/herbs)
it's very hard when there's nowhere to turn to
I came here thinking this is the last place where I'd expect people not believing stuff - why would anyone make anything up????? This goes beyond my thinking.
Anyway, nice to have you here - please share, I think it helps others - that's all about it=sharing the info and experiences