Still being somewhat new to the Liver Flush topic, the only guidance I have thus far is what Dr. Clark says - "you are not done flushing the liver until you've counted 2000 stones " I'll recheck her book but do not recall her mentioning what the time period is during which one should flush until they count 2000 stones... ? Rippedtoshreds makes a valid point - moderation.
Edit - given that reduction or elimination of alergies is one of the benefits Clark mentions for her protocol, coupled with the situation that it no doubt will take many flushes over a period of many weeks to achieve an optimally flushed liver, it almost seems like part of the unspoken message is, as one is going from one flush to the next, each flush may or will be stirrign up old illnesses/allergies that had been remaining burried/covered up in the deeper recesses of the liver, which I guess is not unlike the general experience one goes through with any type of detox - drug detox, alcohold detox, etc.