Thanks for more information. Has any studies been done as to the type of water to use...tap, bottled or distilled as I imagine that has to have some interaction with the salt and electricity? My son was trained in heattreating and using salts, electricity and water do cause a reaction to the stainless steel.
What about whether you use hot, warm or cold water? Does that make much of a difference? I used extremly hot water (almost ouch hot)and a niacin tablet (internally)to open things up inside my skin. I will do another foot bath shortly and then wait an hour or 2 and check after the water has settled. Yesterday I did notice red scum (my feet were clean when emerged) on the sides of the container and some white scum or foam on top; I had my graters about 1 inch apart and they were going to town with the bubbles and some swirling around the graters.