Re: Incompetence theorists!
George W. Bush is one of the NWO's heroes. He's a born-again Christian?
So is Clinton(supposedly). Whats yer point?
That skepdic article is garbage propaganda. More proof of incompetence and coincidence theories that are incompetent. The part about vaccines is especially telling. The stupidest part is how they try to explain how and what people think. Hah! what a transparent pathetic article, surely you can't be serious.
Being a person that lives in the US police state I can tell you that is what it is. Just because it is not in full force, does not mean it is not happening. The fact is Law enforcement has been one of the largest growing employment sectors in the Nation. The Prison industrial complex is booming. Now that local police departments are having to lay off police because of budget cuts, this just leaves the Federal and State Government with their grand opportunity to bring in the National Guard, Army, Homeland security, etc.
If it's not a police state why do people have to walk through metal detectors and body scanners at an increasing number of locations? Why do police shoot people in the back of the head and walk away, with no repercussions? Why do we here about pregnant women and adolescents getting tasered daily? Why do so many people get arrested on charges fabricated by police officers?
"The California Prison system is the third largest penal system in the country, costing $5.7 billion dollars a year and housing over 170,000 inmates. Since 1980 the number of California prisons has tripled and the number of inmates has jumped significantly. In the past few years controversies involving prison expansion, sky-rocketing costs, and claims of mismanagement and inmate abuse have put the California prison system under heightened public scrutiny.
What caused prisons to be a growth industry in California? Did Californians suddenly become lawless? We need look no further than the CCPOA, the California Correctional Peace Officers Association. "The Power this prison guards’ union wields inside our prisons, legislative chambers and governor's office disturbs me. It should disturb every citizen." ~ Judith Tannenbaum, formerly an English teacher at San Quentin State Prison"
Prison labor on the rise in US