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Re: microchipping included in healthcare bill
InnerCalm Views: 4,630
Published: 15 y
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Re: microchipping included in healthcare bill

The NWO is beyond the facade of countries and "empires." I can assure you that there is one empire beyond all the labels you shared. If you are open and want to study this further let me know. There are many, many resources, leaked papers, official documents, notable quotes and lectures all pointing in the same direction. Then we see how society is being systematically shaped in a particular direction that all fits together .

A great starting point is to study the Federal Reserve, the players in that and what it actually represents. Why loans are in place and why the interest rates are there. Also look into what happens when powers tried to dissolve this system. The people that hide behind the Federal Reserve take steps to keep this power play in operation. Kennedy was a blaring example of what happens when you challenge the FR.

Also may I suggest this be a discussion and not a pissing match. Everyone expands much more when openness is part of the exploration process. All I ask is look into what I say. If you want some resources I will be happy to share some. if you have some resources I will be happy to view them.

Have a great day.


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