Ionic Foot Bath- Having Trouble Getting It Going..
Hi Forumfolk,
Thank you for starting this forum and posting on this topic, I really appreciate it.
I have just made one today (Ionic Foot Bath), but it looks like nothing's happening when I turn it on, therefore I am not sure what to do..So I am posting to ask you folks in case someone here knows :-).
I am using the Schumacher floating battery charger from Walmart ($20.95). It's totally automatic it says, and is not manually switchable between 6V and 12V. Have I got the right unit?
I have the battery charger's clips going to 2 stainless steel butter knives, and the butter knives are resting in a white plastic dishtub which is about 10" deep.
How far apart should those knives be? I have moved them from 1/2" to 2" apart and all points in between, and they do not bubble at any time.
I have dissolved a heaping teaspoon of Celtic
Sea Salt in the water which is in the dishtub.
The water in the dishtub is very warm, but not what I would call 'hot'.
This battery charger has 3 LED indicators:
1. Plugged in
2. Charging
3. Charge complete
Here's what happens:
When I plug the charger in, all 3 lights light up for a second, but then the "charging" and "charge complete" lights both go out, leaving the "connection" light on by itself. I think the charger thinks there's a problem with the connection, or thinks there is no battery attached to the clips.
Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
I hope someone can/will shed some light on this, thanks for your time, please reply to me, anyone who recognizes what's going on- I am posting this on the ion foot bath forum (A version of this post was also PM'ed to GodMadeusperfect- Love that name :-))
Thanks to everyone on this forum,
Ladylove :)