Thanks for your reply. That is very interesting, your comments about the bowel relating to the liver. As far as my diet, I eat a mostly vegetarian diet except for fish/seafood. I can't tolerate caffeine, deep fried foods and milk products (don't eat any milk or cream). I still can have cheese and yogurt. I think my diet is pretty good. BUT, I have for the last one and a half years I have been under ALOT of stress, and that's when I started to have a skin problem. Orange peel type rash on my face and a bubbly Acne type on my face mostly around the outside of my face. Dermatologist said it was rosecia. I am convinced it is my liver. I'm not sure what food tolerances I have other than the listed above. Which I do avoid. I know that my story is complicated, but as I mentioned, how can I find out what I may be "intolerat" of and what other alternative medicines/treatments might I consider to help me piece together this huge puzzle?