I am looking for the protocal and procedures for an alternative to using the traditional gallbladder flush. I psychologically cannot handle the Epsom Salts . My homeopathic doctor (HD) said to take the juice of one lemon and 3 Tbsp olive oil in the AM and PM for about five days. I tried it yesterday AM, and ate regularly. By noon, I was nausious, sick, shaking and sweating. I have no gallbladder and according to HD, my liver is all backed up, AGAIN!
So what kind of flush can I do that won't involve Epsom Salts and making me so sick?
Also, if you don't mind a two-part question, what other alternative therapies, like diet, accupuncture, or anything else, (psychologically) that might give me long-term health for my liver.
I am a fish eating vegetarian. FYI.