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Re: Stories like this
vektek Views: 1,240
Published: 15 y
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Re: Stories like this

If someone takes resting in the Lord to mean lazy, well then, they weren't really resting in the Lord. Resting in the Lord, the biblical meaning, means to put your trust in Him to guide your ACTIONS and very life, instead of trusting in yourself. When someone is truly resting and trusting in Christ, He will live His very life through that person, and He is not lazy and a bad decision maker.

But to tell someone God is a big Genie in the sky that will give them whatever they want, and that if they don't get whatever they want, they don't have enought faith, is a lie being preached out there everyday, and that's what the health and wealth prosperity movement is about.

I believe it is always right to preach the gospel truth. How someone will take that, is their deal. I can't control it.

But if I speak lies to people, or don't have a passion for speaking against the lies being spoken in the name of christianity, then it's not just someone elses problem, it's mine too.


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