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Re: Stories like this

Exactly Refreshed,
It is balance, balance, balance. I think the movements of various kinds like prosperity, faith, Pentecostal and so on were a result of the pendulum swinging so far to so called "dead" churches that denied completely that there were miracles, or gifts or many of the things Jesus taught about.

In the Megachurch I go to (irregularly) I gave you two the link for, I don't think you'll find any unbalanced teaching. The only thing that makes it Mega is that it is big. The only reason it is big is because the Word of God is preached, and the Holy Spirit shows up. At least I feel His presence, and there is a distinct difference in this and some of the false prophets who use their personalities to work people into a frenzy and perform fake miracles. But, you know people even get saved at those churches, because unaware of the fakery, they are truely pouring their heart out to God and accepting his free gift of Salvation as they believe.

You will notice that people of no faith may prosper greatly, I've read that it is because the enemy doesn't attack them as much because they are already on that "wide road". So, if you find yourself under attack when you feel you are acting on God's will. Bind the enemy and in the name of Jesus, with power and authority cast him into hell where he belongs and persevere beyond the attack to complete what you started.

But, again balance, never keep your mind centered on these things except as to learn them and apply them. Because that is destructive and just falling into his hands. Our minds are God centered always.

And most of the time it isn't the devil we are fighting, it is our own flesh, which is like trying to keep an active 3 year old under subjection, lol.

As far as healing I completely agree with you both. For His perfect reasons, God can miraculously heal some, or take others through a long journey that leads to their healing, others he keeps in thei weak form for reasons we won't understand until we are with Him. Then all of us will be permanently healed. Being Human is its self always fatal to the body, its just a matter of time. And God looks at the death of His saints as precious.

But, we all look forward to that day when death is swallowed up in victory, and there is no more pain or suffering or crying.

I had this dream once where someone, An angel said
"Read Your Right Shoulder"-- so although that would be hard to do, I did. It said "Please Be Ready!" So, I can just repeat it. Do everything you can to prepare for eternity. We don't know when Jesus is coming back, but I don't think the signs in the world were ever clearer that the prophecies point toward a time such as this in the world's situation. I have also read that some think He will delay as long as possible that more of us are saved.I hope so, that there will be one last huge move of the Holy Spirit that will bring countless of the lost into righteousness through Jesus!



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