I have no doubt that garlic, cilantro etc do chelate heavy metals, however its a matter of finding a protocol that gets the job done with least symptoms and side effects. I know from personal experience that garlic and cilantro gave me horrible side effects, i would feel severely depressed for days after I took them.
Andy teaches that the chelators need to be taken every 3-4 hours to safely chelate out of the body and so as to minimise side effects. I beleive this, and found his protocol to be much easier symptom wise to anything else I tried.
Maybe one could try to take garlic and cilantro around the clock like lipoic acid and dmsa, this may be a better approach.
From the tests I have had done it is apparent that my heavy metal toxic load has become less over the years so I'm hoping the Iodine protocol will take care of any remaining toxic burden.