"From what I've read pretty much the only way to get heavy metals out of the body is a continious chelation protocol like Andy Cutlers."
Raw garlic removes heavy metals from the body. This has been shown to be true in university level research. Cilantro is know to remove heavy metals as well.
Besides what I have listed above, in Paavo Airola, Ph.D. book The Miracle
of Garlic he states the following. “In the controlled and reliable
clinical studies animal as well as human, reported in major medical journals
world wide in the last couple of decades, garlic has been shown to have almost
miraculous preventive and or therapeutic properties in the treatment of variety
of diseases.” Here is a partial list of ailments that have been successfully
treated by raw garlic or garlic extracts: high blood pressure, atherosclerosis,
tuberculosis, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, hypoglycemia, bronchitis, asthma,
whooping, pneumonia, common cold, allergies, intestinal worms, intestinal
putrefaction and gas, parasitic diarrhea, dysentery and insomnia.
In addition to the above list of ailments, in my research I found that garlic
also shows miraculous properties in treating heavy metal poisoning. Dr. Paavo
Airola book The Miracle of Garlic he relates the following regarding
heavy metal poisoning and the use of garlic. “ The threat to our health from
environmental poisons, and specifically heavy metals, is increasing every day.
Lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and copper poisoning are becoming epidemic.
Lead and mercury come mostly from polluted air plus industrial and medical uses,
such as lead containing paint and mercury containing amalgam dental fillings.
Contaminated fish are also a common source of mercury poisoning. Copper enters
our bodies usually from copper water pipes, commonly used in plumbing.”
Not only is heavy metal poisoning a threat to our health it is also difficult to
treat. Chelation treatment is the only known medical treatment that is effective
in detoxifying the body of heavy metals. Until now, the Japanese study conducted
by Drs. Ikezoe and Kitahara, shows that Kyolic a raw garlic extract developed in
Japan is effective in protecting the body from the toxic effects of the heavy
metal poisoning. Dr. Kitahara and his co-workers, Ikezoe and Yamada, conducted
controlled studies on animals and humans. The method of study was observation of
release of potassium and hemoglobin by heavy metals from erythrocytes, and
destruction of erythrocyte membrane. The conclusion of the study was that garlic
preparation prevented the poisoning effects arising form heavy metals and
protected the erythrocyte membrane for destruction.