Re: Colloidal silver!
In addition to the CS...Dump the commercial diet and give him whole fresh foods to rebuild his health. Raw would be best. If you can't mince up raw chicken use ground, organic if you can find it. Add raw chicken livers (one or two per day) and some fresh finely chopped parsley or juice, not much 'bout 1/2 tsp per meal if he's eating 1/4 cup of food, for the minerals and vitamins. Add a pinch of unrefined salt (Redmond's realsalt, Himalayan or celtic). Give him pure filtered (distilled would be best) water. Give him
Iodine too. Trapper (over at the
Iodine supplement forum) sells some super saturated potassium
Iodide with a bottle of magnascent
Iodine on the side, a drop or two in his food or water daily, or kelp powder, if you can find one certified free of arsenic. Another thing that would be good is get some good pescalite clay and put in his water. Perry at usually has a good deal on it. If he'll let you, packing his gums (according to Perry) will help draw out the infection and tighten the teeth. Teeth can re-mineralize if given the nutrition to do so. Once you get the dental situation on the mend, maybe picking up some frozen mice or pinky rats at your local pet store (used to feed snakes) would give him all the organs and will help even more. Organic raw eggs are very healing too. You can cook it slightly if it'll get him to eat it. Oh, I forgot good ole raw apple cider vinegar. A splash of a 1/8-1/2 cap in his food (start slow) will give him vital enzymes. A good probiotic, (don't bother with Purina's pet version) a good multi-strain probiotic in capsules is all you need, open a capsule in his food once a day.
Have you had any blood work done to see how his kidneys are doing? If they're headed towards CRF, there's a link about baking soda and charcoal capsules for turning kidneys around. I think I downloaded it to my pc. I'll see if I can find it and post the info.