Re: Please recommend a good Traditional Chinese Herbalist in southern California
"1 Teaspoon Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in a 1/2 cup of water. Applied twice a day...!!"
Also...another testimonial I read about was.....
"7yr old son had eczema since hes a baby, it gotten worse lately due to eating a much more variety of food. Its dry, flaking, oozing out pus.Theres always a layer of dead skin on his mattress,all of us couldnt have a good nite sleep because we would hear him crying due to the intense itch n also scratching in his room.he couldnt even straighten his arms/legs because its that dry n the skin might tear.We had to get him off school as school mates makes fun of him.We tried all the creams, bath oil everything u can find at the chemist, even when to a speacialist. He was given a strong steroid syrup to stop itching but at the same time it stops him from growing.
Now hes on 1 capful of ACV mixed with a glass of warm water or sometimes with his morning tea. I also use the above mixture in a bowl with cloth or sometimes my fingers n dab the mixture on the sores, scratch marks n open skin. It worked so far but i still will have to continue this to see results.Its good to see him not scratching or itch in pain anymore."
Both testimonials are from
others on earthclinic also have used coconut oil with great success.
Let us know if this works....My family uses this Organic Raw ACV Everyday!!!