Please recommend a good Traditional Chinese Herbalist in southern California
I would like to try to see a traditional Chinese herbalist to seek help in healing my 7-month daughter from eczema symptoms. I suspect she has leaky gut syndrome and toxins in her liver and/or kidney due to the vaccinations,
Antibiotics , steroid creams, over-the-counter drugs from being hospitalized for 7 days during treatment of bacteria on her skin and in her blood. We are hoping a good traditional Chinese herbalist can balance her body and help her heal.
Your recommendation of a good herbalist would be greatly appreciated. I understand that your experience may not be dealing with eczema per se, but a good experience is what I am looking for right now.
Obviously, there are plenty of herbalists, but we just don't know which one to go to. We just don't want to keep hoping from one herbalist to another because our daughter is only 7-month old and that can be really taxing on her body.
Thank you for your help.