Tips, hints & search tutorial :) Re: wintergreen oil and menthol crystals where to get them? Uny?
Organic Menthol crystals = a supplier we all use regularly
Essential Oil of Wintergreen, 100% organic = it took me almost "2 days worth of hours" to find a source for certified organic, essential wintergreen oil.
My goal to teach everyone how to make their own herbal healing products, and part of that is learning how to find sources for the ingredients. If I simply give my sources for all the 'difficult to find products', those I'm/we're teaching become dependent upon the teacher...and that's NOT "good teaching" :)
A good teacher doesn't give answers, a good teacher teaches someone how to find their OWN answers.
And besides :::wink & a grin::: Come ON! I've spent YEARS 'sourcing sources' and it's easily cost me thousands of dollars worth of time & hours to do it. My calling is to teach & empower people with the knowledge they need to heal themselves and provide the best quality products that it's possible to create. My calling is NOT to sit in a chair 16 hours a day to do searches that others can easily do for themselves! Besides (like I mentioned above), it IS my calling to ensure that everyone I teach IS self-sufficient and learns how to find the knowledge they need....SO, in the famous words of Rocky:
click to hear (because everytime I embed it, it plays before you click it :('s time everyone start learning how to search efficiently! ONWARD!!!
SO, here's a link to Google Advanced Search engine:
Here's what the screen will look like (below), with a brief tutorial below that on how to use this wonderful search tool to your best benefit:
One of the biggest problems with "one line" regular search engines is that most people don't know how to use them effectively (or won't take the time to learn, or don't know where to look to find out how to learn), so they end up searching through zillions of pages of worthless data and never find what they're looking for effectively. Quickly, all search engines are based on some type of "Boolean Code" - a semi-mathematical code that allows you to tweak your searching to be more effective. Typical symbols & phrases of Boolean code are " ", +, -, AND, OR, NOT, * - it's not really all that hard to learn, but with the Google Advanced search engine, you really don't need it at ALL!
Let's say you want to buy (online) a signed Mickey Mantle baseball card. If you type in that whole phrase in a typical search box, you get a hit from every site that has the word: Mickey; every site that has the word: signed: every site that has the word: Mantle; every site that has the word: baseball; and every site that has the word: card. If the search engine is programmed to be "intuitive", it may give the top results with all the words together...but you'll still be searching for 'days worth of hours' to find all the hits (and many of them won't have cards for sale, they'll just have information that relates somehow to your search words).
BUT if you use Boolean code (or if you use Google advanced), you can knock out a HUGE percentage of the irrelevant results. In typical Boolean you'd code the search like this: "signed Mickey Mantle baseball card" +basket OR cart. Then all your results would contain the phrase "signed Mickey Mantle baseball card" and the word "cart" or "basket" (which generally takes you to sites where there are shopping carts or shopping baskets). To do this using Google advanced, just type the phrase above into the box that says: this exact wording or phrase...and then in the boxes by one or more of these words, type 'basket' into one box, and 'cart' into another. And you're results will be a zillion times more effective. Onward -
So, you're wanting to find organic essential oil of wintergreen for sale online (and you certainly want MORE than the typical .5 oz size - because if you're going to make a full batch, you need 32 ounces...or 16 oz for a half-batch, or 8 oz for a 1/4 batch, etc) - but you don't know how the site selling it is going to word the phrase describing their product. So you start by typing in a phrase (containing the words: essential, organic, oil, wintergreen), and if you don't get the results you want - change the order of the words in the phrase and try again, and again, and again, until you've exhausted all the combinations.
For this search, I added the OR words of: "32 ounces", "32 oz" and "liter" (if you're using more than one word in each of the OR boxes, you must put quotes around them so Google knows you're looking for the phrase and not the separate words). I was not about to pay $5-$12 for 1/2 oz 64 times to get the 32 oz I needed - I wanted to buy a large size in one bottle and get the best price I could find. So I started with 32 ounces, but I could have started with a smaller size or used different sizes in the OR boxes ("32 oz", "16 oz", "8 oz", etc).
Two final things -
--if you search for hours (being sure to bookmark each search!) and still can't find what you need, if you'll post/paste all the bookmarks of the searches you did (so I can help you figure out what you're doing wrong), I'll be happy to explain the errors and get you on the right track so that you can find what you're needing.
--Curezone's search engine is totally lame. It's supposed to be a Google search engine (or says it is), but it doesn't utilize any type of Boolean code that Google uses, and it really very difficult to utilize. HOWEVER, if you use Google Advanced, you see on the very last line of the options, there's a line where you can enter a specific url ( - and if you use that, Google will only search Curezone...and I've found my searches are much more effective that way.
"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."
Healthiest of blessings,
Unyquity :)