Hey, sorry I went to bed when I did....looks like you just missed me.
Congrats on the new mouse and desk too. All this writing getting your back in a kink? I visualize you sitting on your bed with your laptop and typing away with all the passion that God has placed on your heart.
As you probably know my church being very traditional does not worship in this manner....but I do, when I go to friends churches or in the privacy of my home or car. Well, the car is not as private...I have gotten some strange looks at time. lol
At one time I though I was missing something being at this church. I wanted more freedom (comfort level) to worship how I wanted to and thought I wanted my church to change to accommodate me. Little did I realize that my thought was very selfish, for the people in my church are not comfortable with large shows of affection to the Lord but truly inside they worship quietly. I have been with them long enough to know that their hearts are sincere and they are not just the "Frozen Chosen".
Learning to respect their way of worship taught me to learn to worship God in any setting and anywhere. I can still have joy inside without an outward expression...well, that is not completely true....I can't wipe the smile off my face. :)