Hi, I am posting to this one first because I wanted to let you know I am awake--just been a long night.
Our new favorite! I almost posted this one the other day, I love what he is saying. We do need backbone, and no compromise, or changing scripture context to make it fit what we want, instead of letting the Holy Spirit change us. Only then can we be the people we meant to be. Then we want what our Father wants. Sure we can say no, or ignore Him, but why?
He knows what will fullfill us, and bring us joy. We are often too short sighted, and have no idea what a small step in the wrong direction can lead to. Suddenly, you can be living another gospel, and not the one of Jesus Christ, the savior of those who accept him, repent and turn from sin. We are just beginning then, as he changes us, as we are diligent to study His word, which becomes a light to show us his will. And our eyes and understanding are opened, unlike when we read it before we asked Jesus to indwell us and take our lives to use for the glory of our Lord.
I wanted to comment to people who aren't used to this kind of worship, and wonder why he repeats the same thing so many times, there is an important reason sometimes.
When we are singing, we are sometimes praying, as you see some people in the audience. The repetition, is because we desire to meditate on that phrase and saying it more than once helps us feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, who often is felt so strongly, it isn't something we want to stop. At least that is how I feel.
Anyway, Refreshed, I have my new mouse, plus a desk!