If you get to a certain point with AIDS then you cannot get a full immune system again! You will have rid yourself of the causes of AIDS such as Viral loads and parasites. If you have been extremely ill and close to death when you finally removed the viral loads etc then it can take 2 years before your body is built up again in most cases. You can use a Hulda Clark protocol for AIDS and I also recommend a Blood Electrication Bob Beck specification unit as well. If you can follow Hulda with Bob Becks protocols etc then serious I wouldn't worry if it was me ;-) another person to follow on the whole body health aspect would be Jon Barron but the other 2 are the most important as its the Electrification which is exceptional on Viral loads. The detox plans are great for helping to clear out chemicals such as Isopropyl Alcohol/Benezine etc which these flukes thrive on. This is why some people get full blown AIDS and other don't amongst other things. Its like if some have the BY virus then they get Skin Cancer due to U.V light. If they dont have BY they can fry their skins and all that will happen is ageing because of free radical loads.
Nice to see someone is using the grey matter they were provided with, thankyou ;-) It gets disheartening to see so many sheep with loud mouths so to see a person with a mind being used is a wonderful thing.