Welcome :)
Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick too. I am also new to this, and you are right about the conflicting information about which chelators are best. You said that money is an issue, it was for me too, but the best money I spent was on the book
Amalgam Illness by Andrew Cutler - I bet others here would agree. Cutler advises against high dose injections of DMPS or DMSA that are spaced far apart, because BOTH have been shown to redistribute mercury in the brain. DMSA is not the same as Cuprimine. I am not personally familiar with Cuprimine, but I looked it up online, and it is also known as penicillamine. On page 90, Cutler does not recommend it...he says it is harmful. I am not trying to scare you. I heard TONS of scary stuff about DMPS and it turned out to be just fine. Just to be safe though, I would get this book, take it to your doctor and perhaps craft a protocol from there. With so little information out there, good doctors are trying to do their best to beat this. There is one thing that I must share with you: Please do not take ANY chelator if you still have fillings in your mouth. DMPSbackfire.com has a bunch of horror stories of people whose docs gave them DMPS with fillings, of course they just blame it on the DMPS, but you can see that common link. I am still learning as I go, but keep your chin up and you will get through this!