My Mercury Poisoning and a GOOD Oral DMPS Chelation Experience (so far).
Hello Everyone,
I am new here. This is my first post and would like to share my experience with Mercury Poisoning and the symptoms associated with oral DMPS chelation, which I am currently taking. I am a 29 year old female living in Southern California and am in the very early stages of treatment. I will give updates when I can. I hope this helps anyone suffering from this horrible poisoning. Please remember that you are not alone, and above all, you are not crazy.
A bit of history:
I have been suffering with what I now know is mercury poisoning since I was about 10 or so. I had to do a complete review of my entire medical history to determine when symptoms started, when they peaked, etc because I forgot a lot of my childhood symptoms. I am not going to list them all because the curezone list is so accurate. Some symptoms that I had that aren't on the list: Spontanious lactation, unequal pupil size that becomes more pronounced during episodes of psychosis, anal bleeding without hemmoroids, mentrual disturbances (heavy bleeding, endometriosis, pain, vommiting, fainting), irrational fears.
More Recently:
I had my
Amalgam fillings removed in early April 2010 and started treatment late-April 2010. DMPS 100 mg/3x per day, 4 days on 11 days off. I am currently unemployed due to my illness. Honestly, there is no possible way that I could do both.
The two-session
Amalgam removal acutely exposed me to mercury all over again. I was naive about IOAMT guidelines, and in California they are supposed to have signs up, which he didn't. I protected myself the best that I could before the second session by taking vitamin c and a tiny glass of wine. (I know it sounds crazy but apparently alcohol deters mercury from absorbing into the system. In Sweden, they give schnapps to
Amalgam removal patients). After leaving the dentist, I took lots of vitamin c and activated charcoal, and had some wine with dinner. All in all, my symptoms were much worse the few weeks after amalgam removal.
Round 1 of DMPS Treatment: I am going to write this from memory. It was only 2 weeks ago, but it is still very foggy.
For me, my everyday symptoms got worse during the first 4 days of treatment. For example, if I had panic attacks, anxiety, heart palipations, crying spells, fibromalgia pain, headaches, vomiting, twitches because of merc poisoning, then these became more prominent at times during the treatment. However, it got much better afterwards and I was able to actually do things that I enjoy. There were moments where I started feeling like myself again, even if it was quick and fleeting.
Round 2 of DMPS Treatment:
Today is the fourth day and it is noticably better than round 1. This time, I rested the ENTIRE 4 days. Also, I took lots of baths with
Epsom Salt and it helped the pain so much. I quit taking all vitamins/supplements during my 'on DMPS days' except vit c, flax oil, and vit e. Lots of fruit and veggie smoothies. This medication is a rollercoater ride, but then again, so is mercury poisoning. This round has yet to be unbearable, but my husband may disagree :) Also, I have prepared my life for this and would be failing miserably if I didnt. What makes this tolerable for me are the moments of happiness and clarity that I feel on my "off DMPS days" Last week, I planted my first garden and had more energy than usual.
Before and After DMPS Treatment:
A few days before and a few days after I take the pills, I load up on vitamins, eat very healthy foods, take lots of fiber or a take cleasing herbs, and do all of the chores and socializing that is impossible to do during my 4 days on DMPS and the few days after.
Well, Here is the best part. Many of my symptoms are already significantly better, such as the heart palipitations, which I would have 6x/per day and are now almost non-existent. Also, I have always had darker yellow cloudy urine even if hydrated, but during and after DMPS, my urine is more clear and light than I have ever seen it. EVER. This is a weird symptom: If I drink coffe, even a little, my urine will smell undeniably like coffee. For some reason it doesn't anymore and it has been this way forever. I drink coffee everyday. The good moments are getting better. Ten days ago, I wouldn't have had the mental capacity to type this out. I could barely read and comprehend Cutler's book. I am not saying I am cured or even close. The symptoms are still rough, but the aweful, unbearable symptoms are becoming less frequent and it is obvious to everyone around me.
Read Amalgam Illness by Cutler (this is my mercury bible)
Watch the banned 60 minutes episode "Is there poison in your mouth"
Watch Dr. Buttar's DVD "Heavy Metal Toxicity, THE HIDDEN KILLER" My doctor gave me a copy of this and it is a real eye opener. Detailed info and computer animation showing how mercury affects the human body, as well as patient testimonials, interviews, and lots of science. You may be able to watch it for free on youtube. I know Dr Buttar has a slideshow summary of the video on his website.
If you made it this far, thank you. If anyone has any feedback, tips, questions, I am all ears!