just wanted to say that if you dont have the money to buy an expensive infared sauna, i made one out of 2 infared bulbs that i bought at walmart, then i bout two light fixtures that mechanics use, i put a couple of towels on the floor and drape a blanket over me, as soon as i start to sweat i set the timer for twenty minutes. I recently bought another light so now i have three, but two will do it too.
I periodically go to the iridologist and ever since i started the infared saunas she has been amazed at my cirulation, which im guessing is lymph. It really helps to replace minerals too which for everyone its probably different but for me if i dont replace these minerals, like potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc i start having problems. I eat a lot of salt and kefir so i dont worry too much about calcium and sodium replacement. But if you still have fillings i think it would be safe to sweat cause i dont think it will pull mercury from the fillings like ala will.