And you are 100% right. These people claim to be natural healers but actually use compounds made by chemical companies, such as calcium oxide/hydroxide. Then they expect people to take this caustic substance on blind faith, but refuse to allow people to read the cases of people being injured by the protocol. SAME EXACT THING the pharmaceutical companies do.
Are they aware that the FDA mandates that any adverse reaction to an herb or supplement must be reported to the FDA, but this is not required of pharmaceutical drugs? That is because the FDA works for the pharmaceutical companies so the goal is to make herbs and supplements look bad and to hide the real dangers of their products. Moreless did the same thing. He hid all the reports of people being injured by his protocol, or blamed the victim for their injuries.
It does not matter what people are gaining whether it be money or ego stroking as in the case with Moreless. If someone is gaining something at the expense of someone else's health and safety then that person is in the wrong. When the deliberately hide the adverse effects and injuries then this is nothing short of criminal.