15 y
Re: People who talk over you?
I do this sometimes. I have ADD and it really is the reason for it. Once the words get together in my head..they automatically come out. It just happens. I can't control it until I catch myself doing it and then while the person is talking, I'm still not concentrating on what they are saying..I concentrate on holding my breath or biting the inside of my lip so I don't cut them off. There's a few people out there who have assumed I'm just a rude bitch for not letting them finish a sentence and talk over them.
ADD'ers also have this multi-tasking gift of being able to talk and listen at the same time. So even when I talk over people I can still hear what they're saying. I've driven my mother nuts with this for years. She'd ask "Then what did I just say" and I'd repeat it. LOL
The other reason is that some people are just boring. They use too many words and have to tell stories. But instead of talking over the few people I know who do this, I just tell them to get to the point.
My mom for instance will say something like this:
"I was at work today..doing blablabla...and this blablbla I bllablala.. and it was blablbla so I went to the boss and blablabla and then blablabal."
She could've simply said "I had a headache, got nauseaus so the boss let me come home early but I have to make it up tomorrow" without all those blablabla details.
George Calin said it best: