I'm going to be watching for this. I just had the Mirena inserted three weeks ago. I happened upon this site because I started what appears to be another cycle this month and I wasn't sure if that was a side effect. Oddly enough a had a couple of other issues going on that I hadn't even connected to the Mirena. I have broke out in a horrible rash, mainly on my face and down my neck. Then when I saw your post it made me wonder about my throat. Years ago I used to get fever blisters on my tonsils. Just recently I have had that happen again. I will be keeping a close eye on these issues. I am already wondering if I should have the stupid thing removed and am ashamed that I didn't do more research before I made the decision to have it inserted. Like many others my obgyn recommended it highly and boasted about the fact that there weren't many side effects.