I got my mirena inserted around april/may of last year and have been seeing ear/nose/throat specialists since september. I have beendiagnosed with acid reflux (but don't even feel it) and am having major problems with my mouth and throat. I have on 2 heavy doses of acid reflux medicines for 3 months and nothing has changed. It's hard to explain but its a constant pain that was never there before, its kind of like I always have a lump in the back of my throat. I am a medical mystery according to my doctors, but he keeps saying that he thinks he is missing something. It dawned on my husband and i that it all started beginning a few months after I got the IUD put in. I am (or at this point was) a very healthy 31 year old. Needless to say I scheduled an appointment for wed to get this thing out. I never thought that having something inserted in my uterus could cause this many problems in my body, but it has to be. I went through so many blood tests and ruled out everything else they could think of, but it seems it comes down to my hormones being all out of sync.
Has anyone else had such strange side effects? It has ruled my life for the past 6 months and it has been misserable. Hopefully getting the IUD removed will help me somehow.