I am 15 months post, and I still sometimes have a hard time swallowing. My tests for autoimmune also came back "hinky", but nothing she could pinpoint. that's why she gave me the diagnosis of drug induced lupus.
Some of the symptoms I had cleared up within a couple days, or DRAMATICALLY improved. Others, mainly the fatigue and mild anxiety are still lingering. Like L said, if I look back to where I was a year ago, I feel great. If I look back to pre-mirena, not so great, BUT I am 6 years older (42), very stressed out, in the middle of a gloomy gloomy winter, and in menopause. I dont know how much those things play into it. the stress is probably the kicker.
I had mine in for almost the full 5. I think for many of the women who did not have it in so long the symptoms clear up quicker.....hang in there!