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Re: Moisturizer advice
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Re: Moisturizer advice

Hi all :)

Ok, apart from going to
.. I try to use the following stuff to moist my skin: coconut oil, or avocado oil, or shea butter (all raw and preferably organic).

I think no need to go for something with difficult-to-pronounce-ingridients. What for? Better to use just one with one simple listing in it.

Actually, that website I have mentioned DO help me to choose the right products for me. For example, to clean my skin from make up I use the products of Aubrey Organics company. It feels good on skin, HEALTHY, and not that expensive. I try to go for products WITHOUT added parfum (even if it is listed as something naturally derived). Parfum (I think synthetic one) listed on that 11 grade scale (in that website) as '8'! But healthy options of products end on '3'. So try to go for products without any parfum added. Also, I have noticed, after I take shower, my skin (mainly I care about my face, of course) feels very dry. So now, when I take a shower, I try to keep it dry in the way I can. And then, after my shower is over I just wash it with clean water. I noticed that it doesn't feel that dry as it has been before.

Also, I do recommend to go for good HEALTHY food. Coz if u eat wrong then do not expect ur skin to glow. With adding some chemicals it can (as well as our hair) but it could happen only in a very short run, as we both understand.

Look at my older posts about this issue (a plant based diet. And if u do need my help in finding it then please do not hesitate to ask me either by sending me private email or here. I will be more than delited to help each of u with it. :)

Coz I do think to cure a health problem (whether it is bad skin or headache) u need to look DEEPER to understand the root of this problem and not try to find sinple cures (which will just bring a temorary relief rather than cure the underlying COURSE of it).



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