Re: Heavy metals and candida
I've been trying to figure out what exactly caused that. At the time I was drinking a lot of home-made lemonade with newly bought KAL brand Stevia as a sweetener. So 2 things could have happened:
>1. KAL brand Stevia might have been cut with something
>that fed Candida to the point it formed biofilms, or
>2. Acid from drinking lots of lemonade caused a hostile
>acidic environment, causing Candida to form a biofilm.
Let me inform you that I had similar symtpoms years ago when after strict died did some break to very sweet meal.
Next morning after the morning cleansing green juice I had similar symptoms in feaces.
But is the source of the scenarium that caused those tissues on feaces important?
Not sure...
But maybe is...
But what other symptomps you feel during the rhytm of daily life? You said you have no oscilations in the mood?
So your energy and other r psychic symptoms are constant?
>>Generally a biofilm is formed from my readings in adverse
Yes I agree on that.
Firs bacterias or funghis are ataching to the surface on some environment reasons : maybe pH gradient is chaning along the way of the colon, maybe there is not enough water or epithelium has no mucus...
>>cup with sugary water though to see if it grows but I
Well you should put it in some feeding media : some agar that is characteristic for funghis
>understand it needs to be a certain temperature.
Human body temperature : 37oC
>I'm looking for some labs now so I can test. I am >especially interested in a lab with DNA strain >identification.
Yes I hope you'll find it.
I am most interested in your results.
>In my state I have found Texas Children's Hospital does
>>DNA strain identification on mycoses. I am trying to
>>figure out how to get them to take a look at a sample.
I hope they'll accept your specimens...
>>>I don't think there is a big correlation with mood.
I think it should be.
There is some rhytm...related to so called Hexheimmer effect. When environment is hostile ( this is oscilating
process ) and colonies are adpating. Usually when colonies are dieing ( like in your hypothesis scenarium ) then toxins are produced. And your mood should be down. When colonies are growing and developing...they are not prducing toxins, you have for some while coexistence with them and
you should feel ok...maybe even better..because
every parasitic organism suppose to motivate his host on coexistence. This is natural law...
When these coloniey are singificant in number and size they their influence is manifesting as substaintial symptoms.
I have also read an article today suggesting people that get Candida may be IgA deficient.
Not sure how to supplement that.
IgA are Antbodies part of the immune system.
I think more apropriate question is how you can stimulate immune system to be more adapted for producing those...antybodies.
Let me join you in those articles and then get back to you if I have any aditional idea.
But I am still insitistin on the suggestions:
- wheatgrass juice
- fermented green vegetables with garlic fermented
- fermented liquid for drinking instead of water
- avoid sources possible of heavy metals
- include chelating agent food or supplements...
( zeolites, algaes, herbs )